Current Exhibitions

June 1 - July 13, 2024

Bethann Moran-Handzlik's paintings investigate the beauty of the natural world. A plein air artist, Bethann paints directly from nature all year long, including the cold winter months. Her preferred medium, oil paint, lends a discernable quality of truth to her work. The transparency, opacity, and ability for the paint to be worked and reworked inform the slow, observational approach to Moran-Handzlik's artwork.

To view available work by the artist click here

June 1 - July 13, 2024

Chris Berti's sculptures of animals and everyday objects are created with methodical precision, honesty, and care. Utilizing and carving found ceramic drainage tiles, antique bricks, marble, and other various stones, Berti's creations reflect the wonder of the natural world. 

To view available work by the artist click here