Guzzo Pinc
Mixing bold colors with graphic elements and representational figures, Wisconsin painter Guzzo Pinc, creates dynamic abstract compositions that toe the line between abstraction and figuration. The artist manipulates the surface by sanding painted areas creating translucent effects that invite further study. Large swaths of flat, colorful shapes provide an exciting movement and tension, resulting in a visually striking body of work.
Born in Chicago, Guzzo Pinc (b. 1972) earned his received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Richmond in 1994 and his Master of Fine Arts from University of Wisconsin-Madison in ... MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020
“The main theme of my work is Time ... I seek to convey, through my images, a sense of health, balance, and joie de vivre. The history of art, and other areas of humanity, such as philosophy, deeply inspire me and I am their constant student. It is my hope that each of my paintings enriches the lives of those who see it. My work can both be taken seriously and also lightheartedly -when I am successful. It is only painting after all —but what would the world be without drawing, painting, and the images we create?”