Watch Leo Sewell Find and Create Art on Swedish Website TELE2

Currently you can watch artist Leo Sewell as he collects materials and constructs his works of art - from his point of view. The Swedish interactive website TELE2 works with artists from all over the world to give their audience a truly unique experience. On their website they state "You can even step inside the mind of another person and experience their life from the inside. See what they see, hear what they hear, feel what they feel."

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Laurie Hogin’s ‘Implacable Demons and Better Angels’ featured in Wisconsin Gazette

Aesop’s Fables are filled with stories of animals that take on human emotions and face human dilemmas. Foibles like vanity and greed, as well as examples of compassion, are played out.

In these small dramas, we can see ourselves.

Artist Laurie Hogin doesn’t illustrate the stories of Aesop, but in the exhibition Implacable Demons and Better Angels she demonstrates a predilection for portraying animal characters reacting to their world — and they do so in a way that is utterly relatable to us as humans.

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Michael Noland: A Map of the World at Ohio State University

New work by Illinois artist, Michael Noland, will be on view at the Farmer Family Gallery in Reed Hall at The Ohio State University January 19 - March 10, 2017.  The opening reception will be Thursday, January 19 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. The reception is free and open to the public.

For more information on available work in the exhibition, please contact the Tory Folliard Gallery at or 414-273-7311.

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Charles Munch's Exhibition Featured in the Milwaukee Journal

Sarah Hauer , Milwaukee Journal Sentinel November 18, 2016

As he canoes, bikes and hikes through Wisconsin, Charles Munch appreciates how sunlight hits the scenery.

"The air can be crystalline in the light and the air is much cooler," he said.

Munch, who calls himself sensitive to color, paints nature scenes of the Midwest that vibrate with the tints and shades he mixes with extreme precision.

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