January 4, 2020 - February 8, 2020

CHROMA, an exhibition of contemporary painting and sculpture, focuses on intense hue and abstraction. The exhibition includes new paintings by Derrick Buisch, Terrence Coffman, Ben Grant, Michael Hedges, Shane McAdams, Clarence Morgan, Jason Rohlf, and T.L. Solien, and metal and glass sculpture by Jeremy Popelka and Richard Taylor.

Color serves as an open-ended question for a number of artists. A recent renewed interest in color is evidenced by a number of new books on the subject being published. Color is a favorite topic of articles as its history opens up to tales of the fantastic nature of pigments. Their unique origins have rich roots across diverse cultures and traditions. Twenty years ago the publication of David Batchelor’s book Chromophobia brought color as a subject to a new light with contemplative and thoughtful discourse. That history has an important and critical legacy to generations of artists who trained in art-schools around the world in the last one hundred years. Since the Bauhaus – color continues to be a staple among art school foundation curriculums. This entry-level position in serious art education does not belie the depth that the subject can run for artists. Color is a constant and continuous conversation amongst artists, a subject that very quickly transcends its rote charts and color wheels to become a force, a driver, a motivator, an endless riddle, and for some a clear obsession. 

-Derrick Buisch, Professor of Art, University of Wisconsin
